Supporting and training the users of CELPHEDIA is an essential objective among the missions of the Infrastructure CELPHEDIA. A comprehensive panel of training courses and workshops are built on the expertise of the different CELPHEDIA centers and are directed to answer the user’s needs. The goal is to train and support the users for an efficient use of animal model organisms with respect to the Ethics and animal welfare. Our training courses are open to all the scientific community including students, technical staff and researchers from academic or industrial companies.
Most regulatory trainings listed below are organized, either by the CNRS or within the framework of "CNRS Formation Entreprises". While CNRS trainings are limited to CNRS employees or non-CNRS employees working in a CNRS unit, "CNRS Formation Entreprises" is open to all trainees.
Regulatory trainings are designed to answer institutional regulations to use animals for experimental purposes. These trainings are appropriate for staff developing (formerly Level I) or applying experimental procedures (formerly Level II), and are conducted in accordance with the European Directive 2010/63.
Designing experimental procedures on rodents (former level 1)
Regulatory training for researchers and research engineers with direct scientific responsibility for rodent experimentation, designing or carrying out experimental procedures.
Applying experimental procedures on rodents (former level 2)
Prior attendance to regulatory trainings for staff either developing or applying experimental procedures is required.
These training courses are organized by specialized centers and are intended to users interested to be initiated or to extend their knowledge on biological features of an animal species of interest.
These trainings are intended to scientists or technical staff designing or performing specific experimental procedures. The topics include techniques and approaches in genetic engineering, functional exploration in different physiological domains, anatomopathology, imaging or data analysis.